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Practice Management Tool Kit
The Practice Management Tool Kit contains 5 spreadsheets for analyzing overhead, collection & write-off ratios, benchmarking financial ratios, group practice ratios and a Medicare reimbursement calculator.
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These spreadsheets will help you analyze the practice financial data to determine if the practice (or biller) is effective at collecting their own money, if their write-offs are out of line, etc. You can also determine average income per patient, per doctor, and several other ratios that can be used to benchmark and then to be able to set reasonable goals that can be compared to previous benchmarking data.
Additionally, it has the following appeal letter samples:
  1. Usual, customary and reasonable fee denials - this letter is especially effective.
  2. Improperly bundled letter (when the carrier improperly bundles).
  3. Duplicate denial.
  4. Medical Necessity denial.
It also contains a modifier usage table of some of the more frequent modifiers used and has an overhead expense chart to help you with all the expenses a provider might have.
Available in download only
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